October 4, 2010

Esperar, περιμένετε, الانتظار, 等待, kusubiri

There are a lot of ways to say it, but they all mean the same thing: wait.

I know we've been using that word a bunch lately, but it truly is one of the only ways to describe the last few weeks. We had hoped to get our visas by the last week in September in order to make it to the start of the language classes we hoped to attend. Well, they didn't come in time for us to go, so we're looking into other options for language study. We know that God must have another plan for us to learn Spanish and schedule our year in Spain. I feel like God has prepared us for this time because we knew all along that it was uncertain when we might get our visas, so we have been adapting the flexible mentality all along. For that, I am grateful. I honestly don't know how we've done it apart from God's grace.

So right now we're, that's right, waiting. Now that the language study deadline has passed, there is not so much of a rush to get to Spain. Once we get our visas, we don't have to hop the next plane. We can wait a few days or a week or so before we leave. So, right now, we're living our lives one week at a time. Would you please pray with us that our visas would come in soon?

And you can be PRAISING GOD with us--He has provided for all our financial support! We are at 100% of our one-time expenses and at 100% of our monthly pledges. We thank all of you who have given, whether one-time, or are giving monthly throughout the year. God has used you greatly in our lives, and truly you are a part of ministry in Spain. Thank you! And praise God for his faithfulness.

Thank you for joining us on this journey!